Well folks, here we are again on the cusp the deer and sheep application period in Arizona. We wanted to do a write up on exactly what it is A3 can offer our full range of deer clients that will be applying this year. Over the next few weeks we will write in detail regarding all available deer options but this initial post will focus on the Kaibab units also known as 12A and 12B. These units are broken down into sub units 12A West, 12A East, 12B West and 12B for the rifle hunts. For the archery hunt they are lumped into one hunt as 12A/12B. The rifle hunts are broken down even further into west or east and early or late season hunts. There is vast differences between the late hunts and early hunts so be sure to pay close attention as you apply for one or the other. More on that shortly...
When A3 was formed we were known mainly for the giant bucks we killed on the Strip units 13A and 13B. We still are! We still kill the biggest bucks to come form the Strip each year and as recently as the 2018 season we again killed the highest scoring buck from the Strip general hunts. But, this article will be focusing on the Kaibab units. The reality is that we have been slowly and steadily growing our team of guides and we absolutely pound the Kaibab units every year! Our Kaibab team lives locally in Page and Fredonia, Arizona and this has allowed us to design and create a scouting program that is aggressive, thorough and flat out produces for our clients. It starts in May of every year when the bucks are still in early growth and continues all fall and through the latest hunts. As the summer goes on we find, follow and film the biggest bucks with great anticipation. As we get into mid August we form and refine the list of bucks we will be targeting for the seasons hunts.
First on tap each year is the archery hunt. If you are an archer with Arizona bonus points, and are tired of waiting for a Strip tag, you need to be applying for the Kaibab archery hunt. Non-residents can draw a Kaibab archery tag with 7+ points as opposed to 20+ points for a Strip archery tag. The Kaibab deer herd has been steadily improving every year in age class and the quality of bucks that can be found. The Arizona Game and Fish has implemented permit reductions in 12A and 12B over the last several years and the effects are growing steadily evident. The two fundamentals that any trophy quality herd of animals must have are genetics and age class. With out question, the Kaibab genetics are in the conversation for the best on the face of our planet. With the recent tag cuts, the age class is steadily improving at a good clip. We have seen first hand the increase in buck size every year that our clients have been harvesting and with even more tag cuts in place this year the quality should continue to improve. The archery hunt provides serious bowhunters with an opportunity to draw a tag and hunt the greatest deer herd in the world. The bucks are in their summer pattern and finding the right ones and getting multiple stalks is generally the norm. We also harvest bucks from stands and blinds and can put together any sort of hunt plan for any clients individual wishes or capabilities. The archery hunt in 2019 will be one of the best in many years. The whole state has experienced unbelievable precipitation and the antlers are going to be juiced to the max! Its going to be awesome!
Note- Every photo in this post is a Kaibab harvest picture from A3 clients from the last few years!
Thiago's buck was the largest buck killed on Kaibab archery hunt in 2017 by anyone at 214"! |
True Giant! Non-Residents can draw this with 7+ points. |
Young Cody harvested the biggest buck to be killed by anyone on the Kaibab archery hunt in 2018 at 206". |
Archery |
Archery |
Archery |
Archery |
The early rifle hunts on the Kaibab start in late October and run through the first part of November. This early hunt is the easiest rifle hunt to draw of all Kaibab hunts available, but still holds great potential for solid bucks. Also, there is always the chance at a true giant on any Kaibab hunt! On the early hunt, the deer herd is either still in its summer habitat or in the transition areas to the winter range. This can equate to having to hunt deer in thicker trees and more vegetation than can optimal, hence the improved draw odds and lesser point count needed. If the weather cooperates, the hunt can change quickly. If a hard cold snap freezes the feed at higher elevations or puts early snow on the ground, the majority of the deer will pile off the mountain in droves and invade the winter range with a hunger. This can make for a deer hunters dream with dozens of deer and multiple bucks seen every day. Spot and stalking becoming the tactic of choice and hunt becomes a more refined operation for a better caliber buck. If the weather stays mild and the bulk of the deer stay higher on the mountain then the large burns and canyon country are where it's at. Great bucks can still be expected hunting up high and tags can be drawn with many less than waiting for a late season or Strip tag. In fact, residents can draw the early tags with as few as 7+ points and non-residents with as few as 10+ points. Not bad considering these are the best genetics in the world and there are multiple 200+ type bucks alive and well in these units every year.
Sweet early season rifle bucks can be had with 7-13 points. |
Solid 170-190 bucks can be found on the early rifle hunt. |
Happy early rifle hunters! |
The Kaibab late hunts are flat out unreal! With the deer fully established in their winter country and the rut pumping strong through everything, the late hunt is a fantastic opportunity to kill a truly huge buck. Our scouting follows the deer right off the mountain and right into the late hunts we provide for our clients. The late hunts generally take non-residents 19-22 points to draw unless you pull a random tag and 14+ for residents unless you draw a random tag. The wait is absolutely worth it. If you draw a late tag and book with us you will be in for the hunt of a lifetime. 200"+ is the goal and there will be multiple bucks of this caliber harvested here in 2019.
Late hunt giant that is the heaviest buck you will ever see on earth! |
Absolutely unreal! |
Big Non-Typicals! |
All recent A3 clients on this post. |
More big Non-Typicals! |
And more big Non-Typicals! |
Camp full of giants. |
Wide with extras! |
If you have ever wanted to hunt the world famous Kaibab deer herd, 2019 is going to be a banner year to do so. Our A3 team will work tirelessly scouting and preparing for you if you trust and book your hunt with us. From the archery hunt and through the rifle hunts let our years of expertise benefit you and your hunt. You will not regret it. We invite you to call and talk with us about any question or concern you may have. As always, thanks for your support, time and following. Best of luck this year!!